International — House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network



God-directed prayer is a force of power that brings God’s will into the earth. (Matt. 6:9-13)

Prayer is also a fearsome tool against the enemy.  (Eph. 6:10-18)

Prayer is a blessed channel of communication and fellowship to our God.  (Matt. 7:7-11)

Prayer brings us into blessed union with the Savior as we partner with Him in this glorious work, for “He ever liveth to make intercession “for the saints.  (Heb. 7:25)

Do you have a burning desire to see revival? Revival in you, your church individually, the Church collectively and the world?  Do you want to be an instrument through which II Chron. 7:14 is made a living truth?  Have you wondered how revival is birthed? It is birthed as II Chron. 7:14 says, in unselfish, God-directed, Holy Ghost breathed prayer. Do you want to be a part of this last-days revival? Not a spectator but a participator. If yes is your answer then we invite you to join Prayer Force.

Prayer Force is a group of International Intercessors, who are strategically located in various countries of the world preparing these places for Revival. Tony Owens has a mandate from God to speak repentance in to the Church, thus restoring right standing and birthing revival. Repentance is always the way that ushers in the Presence of the Lord. John the Baptist preached repentance to prepare the way of the Lord, thus it is needed now with God's people to birth Revival.

Prayer Force members collectively pray a Strategic prayer that God gave Tony Owns called the Nehemiah Prayer, in the privacy of their own homes.  We pray for the Revival that God has said He would send forth in this hour.  We pray for Him (the Holy Spirit) to sweep through; turning ourselves, families, churches and world inside-out, and upside-down, forever changing us into fire brands for the Lord’s glory.  We spread through the leading of the Lord, a prayer covering over communities, cities, states, provinces, regions and countries of the world, praying that the fires of Revival would ignite therein. We are praying that we, the Church of the Living God, would return to holiness and our God-ordained purpose to reach the world in power and godly character for Christ, where Satan’s deceitful forces are arrested and the minds of the lost are freed to receive the Gospel of Christ. 

Don’t be left out.  Prayer Force is enlisting every praying man, woman and young person for this great prayer move.

To enlist, click the button below and then check your email for your first training lesson and prayer directives to begin praying the Nehemiah Prayer on behalf of this ministry and for your area.

Tony and Sceniorette Owens