Missions Packages
We have created bundles that will encourage you in the Lord building you up into a Christ-centered living example of Jesus Christ, able to function in your calling and intended place of service in the work of the Lord.
These package options are available for both Christian Laity and Ministry Leadership. Every package no matter the price point will change your life and the lives of those who are reached because of your generous support.
Included in every package is the 12-page lesson “Understanding the Dreams God Give You” below is an excerpt of that lesson which also included dream symbolism.
“God speaks to us in dreams while we are sleeping and our minds are not as active, so that personal preference, and desire, do not get in the way of the what He is trying to tell us. Your dreams are a language that God has developed just for you, yet He requires you to take the time out to understand His Words, which are usually symbols that are relative or relate to your life. It is wise for us to not ignore the dreams; rather to begin to engage God in conversation about what He is saying. Below are a few examples of dream symbols.
Putting Gas In A Car: speaks of the need to pray, or that a person’s prayer life is lacking…
Large Body Of Water: the sea of humanity or the populations of people throughout the world
Fruit: displaying the fruit of the Spirit to others, An empty fruit bowl can speak of a lack of the fruit of the Spirit…
Telephone Call: God is showing you something, or God is trying to reach you. If you keep missing the call… you are trying to reach someone, and the dream may be revealing why you can’t reach them…”