Ministry Development Programs
Ministry Development Programs
Aspiring Minister: Ministry Development Program
We offer Pastors the opportunity send their ministers through or refresh their ministry knowledge by joining the House of David Bible and Ministry School Correspondence Ministry Development: Aspiring Ministers Program to develop and enhance their ministerial potential. This 12-month program will prepare students and laborers for ministry and building of the Kingdom of God.
This School of Ministry is like none other, for it offers our students much, much more than book theology. It is this school’s purpose to develop true Holy Ghost filled, dynamically empowered laborers (both those seeking licensing in ministry and laity) who will be a demonstration of the Lord’s power, love and reconciliation in the land. This School, developed by Tony Owens, gives both the necessary knowledge, and service, as well as trains and equips students, inwardly, which will manifest in outward displays of God’s Anointing on and in their life, in their area of ministry. The Program offers five individual ministerial courses that cover various fields of service (ministry). The courses are listed below. The Program is tuition based, with students being required to give a pledged contribution each month.
MINISTER OF EVANGELISM - For those called to the Evangelistic Ministry of winning souls, and seek signs, miracles and wonders, as a proof of Christ’s sacrifice and His Ministry in them.
MINISTER OF INTERCESSION & PRAYER - For those called to prayer based ministries.
GENERAL MINISTERS - For those who are called to teach the word in various capacities, serve in a local church, or are seeking to start a local ministry that demonstrates the Power of God and more.
MINISTER OF HEALING & DELIVERANCE - For those called to a ministry of healing the sick and expelling or casting out demonic spirits, both in institutions, hospitals and individuals.
MINISTER OF SONG AND MUSIC - For musicians and singers who desire to have a supernatural music ministry that causes God’s presence to enter, births miracles, signs and wonders, causes healing and deliverance to happen when they minister. This program does not teach songs or music, rather magnifies the results of it.
Additional Requirements
It is important to us that our students obtain a varied and thorough education of not only how to minister but also gaining a deep understanding of who a Christian is and what Christians can do in the world as the extension of the Lord to the world. To accomplish this, each student is required to take 2 Spiritual Enrichment Courses on whatever topic they chose during the duration of the Ministry Development Program.
Five Fold Ministry Program
This course not only teaches the description of the Five Fold Ministry Gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher), but also prepares and develops those who are called to walk in or assist in these offices. This is done through helping them develop proper character, giving understanding about the purpose of the call, as well as, their place in the call. Students study the Five Fold gifts and are given teachings on a variety of subjects necessary for the development of the individual so the gifts of God can flow unhindered. This course will help train, develop and equip those who God has called to the Five Fold Ministry as well as help students identify if they have one of these calls or other potential calls in their life. This is a 12 month study program. Students who successfully meet all Program requirements will be awarded a certificate of completion (This Program does not qualify a person to be ordained in a Five Fold Office). For those seeking spiritual ordination in the Five Fold, we ask that you contact our office for more information.
You have the option to complete the Program as a Correspondence student by clicking the “Correspondence Program” button or teaching the program by following the links below.
We suggest teaching the course beginning in Section I and moving consecutively through to Section IV as each section builds upon the others. However, if you desire to teach less that the entire program, we suggest that you still begin with Section I then proceed to which ever other section you desire. This program is taught as part of the Spiritual Enrichment section of our School.
**This course as presented here is not for home study, rather to be taught as part of House of David Bible and Ministry School Satellite School Program. For personal study courses, visit our online bookstore under the "Materials and Resources" tab or click the Correspondence Program button.
This course is divided into four sections:
SECTION I : The Five Fold Order & Governments (Spiritual Enrichment Course - $325)
· This section will lay out in detail the responsibilities of the Five Fold Ministry as a whole. You will learn how each gift facilitates the other and the order by which they function.
· This section also includes teachings that will give you a firm foundation in character.
· You will also receive teachings on the 9 gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12.
· In addition you will receive instruction on basic doctrines of the Christian Faith so that you can complete this course in accordance with the Word of God.
SECTION II: The Sacrifice Of A Five Fold Minister (Spiritual Enrichment Course - $400)
· In this section, you will receive teachings that will build your faith and further prepare you to stand in the role of or help a Five Fold Minister.
· These teachings will emphasize the importance of prayer as well as the spiritual discernment required in this area.
· You will gain an understanding of the dedication, commitment, and perseverance necessary to make you an effective Five Fold Minister or help one.
SECTION III The Call Of The Five Fold (Spiritual Enrichment Course - $225)
· The teachings in this section will propel you to GO!
· You will study the anointings that are available to the servants of the Lord.
· This section will build your faith to expect the miraculous as you step into the call of God for your life.
SECTION IV: The Work of A Five Fold Minister (Spiritual Enrichment Course - $325)
· This final section of the Program will prepare you to engage the enemy and take authority over the territory that the Lord and placed under your jurisdiction.
· You will gain an understanding of the issues facing the Body of Christ and receive teaching that will provide solutions to these issues.
· This section will reinstate God’s vision for His Body and establish you as an agent of unity preparing for the Lord’s return.