Membership Process
Pastoral Ordination Process
Ephesians 4:11-12
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
The call of the Pastor is to care, nurture and teach God’s people. Jeremiah 3:15 says “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding”. I have worked and helped in the birth and establishment of churches and individual ministries. It has been my passion to help God’s servants realize their call, and to help them develop God ordained strategies that are personal to their ministry, church and community, that would cause a dynamic spiritual breakthrough in the lives of God people.
If you desire to be ordained as a Pastor or to come into Association with the House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network, under the care and oversight of myself Bishop Tony Owens, it would be my pleasure to come into fellowship with you and partner with your ministry.
Below you will find detailed information regarding the process of becoming an Ordained Pastor and/or Associate Church/Ministry under the umbrella of the House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network.
Pastors and Ministers Seeking Network Membership
For those who are seeking to be in Members of the House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network. Many organizations just seek to develop a network of churches in order to showcase their ministry, however, we seek to partner with you, so that the Kingdom of God can expand; the mission and work of Christ continue, and a harvest of souls across the world can be reached. It is important to us, as we enter into a ministry covenant relationship, that we unite in fellowship and seek the Lord for understanding of how we can effectively see the work of the Lord prosper in the earth. This Membership will be entered into for 2 years and renewed thereafter.
During your Membership period, we will use your Ministry Evaluation as a starting place on how to develop and grow your ministry. You will receive recommendations and counsel about strategies specific to your ministry that will help you develop as a leader and further prepare you to grow the work God has called you to.
To begin the Network Process you must make your first Network Contribution. Complete the following forms that will be emailed to you “Church Growth Evaluation Questionnaire” and “Commitment of Service” and send them back to us. Upon receipt of your Evaluation we will begin the process of putting together your personalized strategy, it takes 2-3 weeks for a thorough Strategy to be completed. Your completed strategy will include recommendations for additional strategies and access to counsel for various additional ministry related things based on your strategy including:
Vision or Mission for your Church/Ministry
Church/Ministry Structure
Organization Structure
In House and/or Outreach Ministries
Strategies for Growth
And more…
Additionally, you will receive special invitations to attend conferences and seminars. In addition, we encourage that once a year that you host a service, at your own specified location, where Tony Owens or a ministry representative will be the key speaker (this will require the Pastor or Church/Ministry to cover Tony Owens or his representative expenses for travel, hotel stay and transportation).