Introduction to the Schools of Ministry
Pastors, and Christian Leaders desire to see their Churches and Ministries grow, to reach as many people for and to Jesus Christ as possible. But how to have consistent effective results in their growth is a factor that every Pastor and Christian Leader runs into.
Ask yourself these questions:
What would make people pass 100 other Churches to come to yours?
What would make people who do not know Jesus, or who do not serve and live for Him, come to your Church to hear about Him?
I want to extend to you the opportunity to become a Satellite School of House of David Bible and Ministry School. Using this strategy, we have seen churches grow from 0 to over 150, in 2 to 3 years, or from a few to over 150 people within 1 to 2 years. The School has brought many of my current and past Church members (including the friends and family members of those who attend the School) to join the work. This School is continually and immediately effective!!
What makes this School different and not just a typical Ministry School is that the classes are offered to both Church Leadership and Laity (general Christians or anyone looking to grow in their knowledge of the One True God). House of David Bible and Ministry School in it’s more than 15 years of existence, has been a drawing mechanism to both the sinner and the saint. This response is due to the teaching causing such an impact on those who attend that they tell others about it which causes them to come also.
How does your Church benefit from being a Satellite of the House of David Bible and Ministry School?
You build the Kingdom of God by developing effective and informed Christians.
Your church will stand out in your community by offering courses that no other church in your area is offering.
Your ministry will have regular new visitors who become members.
You become a catalyst for the coming move of God.
You will have increased finances through offering the courses.
These courses when presented correctly, have been proven to cause people to pass 100 other Churches to come to the one offering these Biblical subjects that people (both sinner and saint) are interested in.
If you’ve tried everything else to get people to come to your Church and nothing has worked effectively, give the House of David Bible and Ministry School a try!