Network Churches and Pastors Seeking Ordination
Associate Church Information
For those who are seeking to be ordained as Pastor by Tony Owens and have their ministry spiritually covered by the House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network, you will go through a period of evaluation in which we assess what is needed to further develop the work God has called you to do.
To begin the Network Process you must make your first Network Contribution. Complete the following forms that will be emailed to you “Network Church and Pastoral Ordination Application”, “Church Growth Evaluation Questionnaire” and “Commitment of Service” and make your first contribution. Once your application and Evaluation are received, we will begin the process of putting together your personalized strategy, it takes 2-3 weeks for a thorough Strategy to be completed. Your completed strategy will include Strategy recommendations and Training.
As part of your completed Personalized Strategy, you will receive a consultation which will include a recommendation for one of the following training programs:
Pastoral Training Program
This program is designed to further fortify you in your call. These teachings and trainings will instruct and deposit the Word of God in you, that will stir up the anointing and spiritual gifts; equip you with spiritual tools, and ignite a fire in you to fulfill the Great Commission.
For the Pastor elect who does not have a congregation, the evaluation and training period will be about 1 year (time period can vary base on matriculation and development).
For the Pastor elect who currently has a small group, Bible study, or church service, the Pastoral training and evaluation period will be 6 months (time period can vary base on matriculation and development).
Ministry Development Programs
For those who do not have any previous ministry schooling, biblically based study, or has not taken any Ministry Development Program, we will recommend that you take, in addition to the Pastoral Training, one or both of the following programs:
Aspiring Ministers Ministry Development Program
This is a 9 month (if taken at one of our local schools) or 12 month (Correspondence/home based) program that will train and develop you to become a Minister of the Gospel in one of the following five areas of concentration: Evangelism, Healing & Deliverance, Intercession & Prayer, Music & Song and General Ministers Program. (Please see Program Description for further details)
Five Fold Program
This is a 52 week program that will give you a greater understanding of the Five Fold Ministry. This course will not only give information on the Five Fold Ministry Gifts (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher), but it will also prepare and develop the proper character, spiritual gifts and anointing necessary to walk effectively in these offices. (Please see Program Description for further details)
As you are enrolled in one of the Training Programs, we will evaluate or help you to develop:
Vision or Mission for your Church/Ministry
Membership (must have 5-10 tithing members who are not family)
The function of In-House and/or Outreach Ministries
Strategies for Growth
Leadership stability and function (both personal and ministerial)
Once you have met all the criteria for ordination, you will either be ordained at our Yearly Charging Service and Conference, or at your own specified location (this will require the Pastor elect to cover all expenses for Tony Owens travel, hotel stay and transportation. In addition, if you choose to be ordained at your specified location, we ask for you to still attend the Yearly Charging Service and Conference so that you can be recognized as a Network Church). At this point, you will be an Network Member and Church in the House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network and receive a certificate of Membership, along with, all the benefits that accompany this membership.